everyday thing

: : n a v i g a t i o n : :

If you live the the Detroit area and would like to audition to play with Phil, please email him at phil@glblnet.com

... all these things pass me by, but you're still miles away...

- Pass Me By

thursday, may 10

Welcome to version 3.0 of the Offical Phil Pappas website. We are still working some minor bugs, so please bear with us. If you have any questions or comments, please email the webmaster at: mike@eclipse.itgo.com. Expect some brand spankin' new content very soon!

posted my Mike Joseph on 5/10/2001 03:32:59 AM


All of the mp3's are up and avaliable for your listining pleasure at mp3.com/philpappas

We don't currently have the online ordering in place, so if you would like to order a CD send a check or money order for 12.00 USD to:
Phil Pappas
13446 Longtin
Southgate, MI 48195

***If you are ordering from Michigan, please add 6% sales tax.

NEW GIG INFO: Phil will be playing a show June 22 at the Grosse Point Borders. Head on over and show some support.



URL: http://philpappas.iwarp.com
All content copyright 2001 Phil Pappas and Eclipse NewMedia. E-mail the webmaster.